How to Find a Mentor: 5 Tips

amazon fba business Sep 13, 2021

In this blog post, you are going to learn 5 tips on finding a mentor in your life. I am going to share with you how Kev found mentors in his life, and these 5 tips are actionable and practical, because Kev knows the true value in finding a mentor in your life. Mentors can impact you that much that they can change the destination of your life, and they could be the difference between achieving your goals, and not achieving your goals, depending on whether you have a good mentor or a bad mentor. 

So, I am going to share with you the 5 tips which Kev has, when it comes to finding a mentor that impacted Kev, and who he has practical experience with.

Find a Mentor Virtually

You should decide on a mentor, and follow them on their YouTube channel, their podcasts, their blog, and try and consume everything that you can around that mentor. You can do this virtually. We live in an incredible age today, where you can genuinely find a YouTube channel from a millionaire, a multi-millionaire, a billionaire, and someone who has created not just one business, but multiple million-pound businesses - multi-million dollar businesses, you can find them directly from your phone, just by searching on Youtube. 

You can have direct communication, and you can have an interaction with someone, whether it is just viewing their channel, watching a video, reading a blog article - you are being influenced by that individual, and that could be a multi-millionaire or even a billionaire. 

A great and trusted mentor for you, could definitely be Kev himself. If you are interested in this, view his YouTube channel here:

View his Instagram here:

View his Facebook here:

Join his Facebook Group here:

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Decide How You Want to Live Your Life

Decide how you want to live your life, and decide what you want to experience in your life - what goals do you have in your life? Make sure your mentor is aligned with what you want to do, because ultimately, mentors can show you the way, what steps you need to take, what challenges you may have, and it is super important that your mentor, whoever you decide to go with, you want to look at everything they do - you want to look at their lifestyle, what kind of business model they have, what they do on a day-to-day basis - it all depends on what you want. For example, let's say you want to build a business which is based on freedom, that is based on an online business, that narrows it down straight away, so you are looking for a specific type of person. You need to take the time to think about how you want to live your life, because this is going to determine which type of mentor you go for, and you can have mentors in multiple areas of your life. Take your time to go through each area of your life, and decide what lifestyle you would like, and find a mentor who is living that lifestyle.

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Provide Value to Your Mentor 

Usually, if you are approaching someone who you want to coached by or have as a mentor, they are probably going to be busy in their own lives, in their own businesses, in their own free time - the free time that they have, they may want to spend time with friends or family, so you need to provide value. Don't message them directly telling them to coach you, without providing any value at all - you have got to do something. Value can come in different forms, it doesn't have to mean money. Mentors usually have some sort of mentorship programmes, courses, or a route to have one-on-one coaching, and a lot of the time you will have to pay the mentors as well. But, you have got to understand that value comes in different forms. So, if you have a mentor in your life that is potentially into arts and crafts, or on social media, or whatever it is, they may need some support in their business. So, if you have any skills, for example, being very good at editing videos, images, using photoshop, or whatever it is, you could reach out to that person, and tell them that you want to support them, and show them what you can do, because this is what is going to get you noticed. 

Some of these people who you may want to be mentored by, may have thousands of emails coming to them all the time. So, you need to think about how you can stand out in the crowd, and how can you catch their eye. Whatever it is, you need to think outside the box. 

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Kev recommends that you unsubscribe to as many people as possibly. Elimination is very powerful, because people have conflicted views. For example, what I am saying about how to find a mentor, may be different and contradicting to someone else who is giving out information on how to find a mentor. If you have conflicting views on how to find a business, systemise, or to be successful in your life, then you have to decide who it is who resonates with you - who is it that you want to trust? Who is it that you believe in? Whoever is out there, whoever you are engaging with, whoever you are consuming information from, take the time to unsubscribe from people, and just listen to a specific person. Keep following that path until you hit a plato, then you may have to adjust or go to another mentor. 

Take Action

Take consistent and relentless action to get you heard, and to get you standing out in the crowd. It may mean that if you were trying to get attention from someone, and telling them to mentor you, then that person isn't responding to you, or they have got hundreds of messages or emails every day, then you may need to take that action - like what I said with the value. Sign up to their programme, sign up to their coaching programme, because what that is going to do is get their attention immediately.  

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If you're interested in coaching with Kev, check out the coaching page here:

Further reading:

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